Monday, June 30, 2014

Gearing Up

The release of Vengeance at Sundown is on the horizon, August 5th, and I'll be gearing up to promote the release of the first book in the Lucas Fume Western series.  I'm in the process of finalizing my book signing schedule and will post that soon.  This time around will be a little different. More about the origin and writing this series, and other publishing news will also appear here soon.

On a personal note, it's hard for me to believe that this will be my eighth novel.  It seems like yesterday that we were about to see the release of my first novel (The Rattlesnake Season) in 2009.  Time flies when you're having fun.  Also, thanks to everyone who expressed their condolences for the loss of our beloved Brodi.  There's a big hole in our house, and I don't expect it to be filled anytime soon.  There were a few hiccups on the blog, so I apologize for any posts that didn't show up.

Here's the final cover for the Lucas Fume book.  I think it's pretty cool.  

This novel is available for pre-order at your favorite bookstore (online or brick and mortar).

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