Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dogs and Writers

One of my favorite books is Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck. If you don't know the story, it's pretty simple. At age 58, and a successful author, John Steinbeck sets out from Maine and travels across America with only his standard poodle, Charley, as a constant companion. If you read it now, it's like reading historical non-fiction, and it holds up really well, and proves without a doubt, that dogs make great companions for writers. So do cats. I have both in my house. But it is my dogs, two Rhodesian ridgebacks, Brodi and Sunny, who spend most of their time in my office, and with me on any walking adventure I go on. The cat, Nigel, is content to lounge around the house, and call on me for valet service whenever the need strikes. I've written about our animals here before, but I don't think I've ever written about their effect on my writing life. And that is very simple. They keep me grounded, on a routine, and offer their love without judgment, or many demands. They are happy to go along with me wherever I go, always up for an adventure. I think traveling across the country with them in an old truck with a camper would be a blast. I have yet to write a man and his dog(s) story. For some reason, I haven't included that relationship in any of my published novels. But...I'm thinking about it, and that is where all good ideas start. Oh, and if you haven't read Travels with Charley, you really ought to.

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