Monday, February 14, 2011


Every blog starts out with high hopes.  First off, I decided to start this blog because I think there are too few venues out there that celebrate, promote, and honor the western genre, the genre I primarily write in, but not solely.  I write mysteries, too, and have dabbled in horror and steampunk.  My first true love was science fiction and fantasy--long before I knew that it was "genre fiction."  So, I want to talk about all of the genres.  Short stories, novels, and the occasional movie, too--wherever good writing is, I want to find it.

I hope to hit all of the notes here, if that's possible.  Not only will I promote my own work, but I'll include interviews, reviews, and promotions for other writers, too.  If you're an author, contact me, and we'll see if you're a fit for the blog. 

Some of the best writing I have encountered as a reader has been in genre fiction.  If you agree... join in in the conversation.  And if you don''re welcome to add your opinion, too.  A one-sided conversation is always boring.

What we won't talk about here is politics, religion, and money.  If you're looking for that conversation, you've come to the wrong place.     

There you have it.  A beginning.  Let's see what happens next.

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